话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 戏里人生戏外尝
本书标签: 现代  七月推荐  励志     





果然,加文一见到她,就说:“Why didn't you come to my house yesterday?”



加文在办公桌后坐下,交叉着手指,说:“Do you know what I want you to do at my house?”


“There is a director from Broadway. He said that he wanted to select some actors from London's West End who had made their debut for less than a year to tour Hollywood.”加文一口气说完了,丢给梁皖妮一封信。


“He was at my house yesterday. I called some actors to try. You stood me up, so you missed a good chance.”加文面不改色,他的声音平静得听不出任何情绪。

梁皖妮反问:“Is this opportunity really important? If I am really selected, will I have better development in the future?”

加文反而哈哈大笑起来,道:“Don't be so utilitarian. I can't guarantee your future development. But isn't it good to know more people and have more contacts? What is the most important thing in the entertainment industry? Is it your acting and character? No, it's contacts. This is my experience for more than 30 years.”

加文继续旁敲侧击:“Why did you audition for the film? To tell you the truth, there is a good chance that the film will not be released. However, you have won opportunities for yourself and you have met more people in the entertainment industry. This time, it's almost the same.”

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