话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 戏里人生戏外尝
本书标签: 现代  七月推荐  励志     




阿曼达对加文说:“Mr Smith, Miss Leung is right. The contract is clearly written that he opera version of Swan Lake would continue for a month, and Miss Leung needed to participate in every performance. Moreover, the contract also says that in case of special circumstances, she can ask for leave for no more than five days. Miss Leung did not break the contract.”

加文愣了一下,脸色不免难看:“Uh... So... Yes, you're right. However, the performance fee for one night will not be much, and Miss Leung knows it.”

梁皖妮又着急了:“I don't care how much I get paid. I just want to get what I deserve.”

“Ah, I... I understand. I just want to say… ”加文支支吾吾的。

这时候,阿曼达发话了:“Mr Smith, do remember the protest of Asian actors three months ago?”

“Oh, of course I remember. The Indian actor took part in the protest. I'm surprised because I've never defaulted on his remuneration.”

“So you don't want one more person to join this protest, do you?”阿曼达紧问。

“No, no, of course not!”加文感觉阿曼达和梁皖妮也是不好惹的。他可不想被抓住把柄。


她和阿曼达走出加文的办公室后,阿曼达说:“I inquired about the film you said you wanted to audition yesterday.”

梁皖妮很激动:“Really? Your efficiency is really high.”

阿曼达笑了笑,摇摇头继续说正题:“As far as I know, the director of this film is fledgling. He has little experience and capital. However, he has a wide range of contacts and has attracted a lot of investment.”

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