话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 戏里人生戏外尝
本书标签: 现代  七月推荐  励志     



梁皖妮说:“I'm afraid that she'll block my chance to go on stage. Look at her posture, she only allows herself to be the heroine.”

阿曼达问她:“Do you just want to play the heroine?”

梁皖妮摇了几下头说:“No, as a new actress, I just want more opportunities to go on stage. I don't think it's time for me to choose roles and scripts.”

阿曼达又问:“If you really think so, I'd like to ask you, would you like to play a supporting role in Swan Lake?”

梁皖妮激动地站起来:“Of course I do! I've studied the supporting roles these days.”

听到这话,阿曼达欣慰地点了点头:“Good. It seems that we have the same idea. As your agent, I should not only plan the development path that I think is most suitable for you, but also respect your ideas.”

“I trust you! Thank you so much!”梁皖妮越发激动越发高兴起来。

阿曼达拍了拍梁皖妮的肩,俏皮地眨眨眼,说:“Enjoy our cooperation! ”

阿曼达离开梁皖妮的住处后,给加文打了个电话,边走边说:“Miss Leung and I have reached an agreement. I hope you can give her a supporting role in Swan Lake.”

在电话那头,加文脸色犯难,但他还是说:“No problem. However, is this put fine timber to petty use for Leung?”

阿曼达停下了脚步,站在了路边,说:“Do you really think so? Why don't you arrange a heroine for her?”

加文更加为难了:“Uh... I'm also looking for opportunities for her.”

“I hope you're not just talking. After all, the opportunity is right in front of her.”阿曼达讽刺地说。

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