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本书标签: 影视同人  姜蕴嫣 

Go shopping in Diagon lane


宋若妍Uncle lucious

卢修斯What's up?

宋若妍Where's Draco?

德拉科Baby, I'm here

宋若妍I miss you so much

德拉科Baby is still so sticky

德拉科Father, I'll take Arnold out to play

卢修斯Go home early

宋若妍Uncle Lucius, bye

宋若妍Say hello to Aunt Narcissa for me

卢修斯With pleasure

德拉科Come on, my baby

宋若妍Wait for me


宋若妍I'm going to Hogwarts tomorrow

宋若妍I can go to school with you

宋若妍Are you happy?

德拉科Of course, you can go to school with baby

宋若妍I don't know if my homework is difficult

德拉科You can come to me if you have any questions

宋若妍Thank you, dear

德拉科Give me a kiss


德拉科Baby, it's so sweet

宋若妍Can you go shopping with me to Diagon lane?

德拉科Of course, my baby


Madam Malkins Robes

Malkin Madam: Madam, you have a very good figure

宋若妍Thank you for your compliment

德拉科Baby, can you show me your figure when you go home?

宋若妍Stop it

德拉科I prefer you to stand in front of me in a maid's dress and cat ears

宋若妍I don't talk to you anymore

德拉科I was wrong, baby

德拉科Let's go have some butter beer

德拉科Get the magic gun later

宋若妍I don't really want butter beer

德拉科I think we can go home and eat the candy made by my mother

宋若妍I think so

宋若妍I haven't seen aunt Narcissa for a long time. I miss him very much

德拉科Mom also said she missed you very much

德拉科Mother also said that he wanted you to marry into our house

宋若妍I think we should discuss it after graduation

德拉科Don't worry. You're my baby anyway

宋若妍Let's go home first. We have to catch the train tomorrow

德拉科Go get your magic robe first

宋若妍It's already with me

德拉科Let's go home


HP:攻略计划最新章节 下一章 To Hogwarts