话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 蔡徐坤:所有浪漫给予你
本书标签: 明星同人  ZGDX战队  蔡徐坤甜文啦 




各种角色主持人:Welcome to watch today's live interview(欢迎大家收看今天的采访直播)

各种角色主持人:We are fortunate to have YG's first Chinese choreographer today(我们今天很有幸请到了YG的首位中国籍编舞老师)

陆歆琳Hello, I'm Lynn (大家好 我是Lynn)

陆歆琳I am honored to be able to participate in this interview(很荣幸我能够参加这次的采访)

各种角色主持人:As we all know, our Lynn is the royal choreographer of BLACKPINK. Have you encountered any problems during this period?(众所周知 我们的Lynn是BLACKPINK的御用编舞老师 在这期间 您有没有遇到过什么难题呢?)

陆歆琳To be honest, the biggest problem is choreography(说实话 最大的难题就是编舞 )


陆思诚那是 这丫头的北京外国语大学不是白念的



各种角色主持人:I shouldn't. Your choreographer is very strong.(不应该啊 你的编舞实力很强啊)

陆歆琳In fact, choreographers sometimes don't have enough brains during choreography(其实编舞老师也有在编舞期间脑子不够用的时候)

各种角色主持人:Why do you say that? Can you share it with everyone?(为什么这么说呢?可以跟大家分享一下吗?)

陆歆琳Because we want to have something new in view of the trend, and if a dance does not have a dance that can catch eyes, it is not a good dance and will not be remembered by people(因为我们考虑到潮流性 要有新的东西 而且如果一支舞蹈没有可以抓眼睛的舞蹈 就不算好的舞蹈 就不会被人们记住)

陆歆琳It is really difficult for artists to return to their female group. The choreographer group is busy, the costume group is busy, and the song producer is also busy. No matter which department needs a bright spot, people will remember this thing because of this bright spot, so this thing is meaningful(所在女团回归真的是一件很困难的事情 艺人本身很忙 编舞组很忙 服装组也忙 还有歌曲制作人也很忙 不管是哪个部门 都需要亮点 让人们因为这个亮点 会记住这个东西 那么这个东西才算有意义 )

陆歆琳The same is true for the men's team(男团也是一样)

各种角色支持人:What do you think of the return of boys and girls?(那Lynn对于男女团回归有什么看法吗?)

陆歆琳The return of every regiment deserves to be respected. It is the result of many people's efforts. Don't always say plagiarism. It really disrespects the achievements of others(每一个团的回归都值得被尊重 那都是很多人的努力成果 不要动不动就说抄袭 这样真的很不尊重别人的成果)

各种角色主持人:Do you have anything to say about these hard-working workers behind the scenes?(那你对于这些幕后的努力工作者有什么想说的吗?)

陆歆琳Although these people's efforts are not seen, they are very serious about their own work. They respect the achievements of every artist and their own work, and do their best to give artists better works. I know that many behind-the-scenes workers are not respected because they are not glamorous and beautiful, and I am deeply touched by these things(虽然这些人的努力不被看到 但是他们对于自己本职的工作是非常认真的 他们尊重每一个艺人的成果 也尊重自己的工作 尽自己最大的努力 给艺人更好的作品 我知道有很多幕后工作者都不被尊重 因为他们并不是光鲜亮丽的 这些东西我也深有感触 )

陆歆琳Because my two brothers are e-sports professional players, one is the dream of millions of girls, and the other is that the strength is not bad, but still works quietly. The manager of my brother's team is really the best. All the logistics work makes my brother's team rise to become an old and strong team. The team members also work very hard(因为我的两个哥哥是电竞职业选手 一个是千万少女的梦 一个是实力不差却还是默默努力 我哥战队的经理真的是最好了一切后勤的工作 才让我哥的战队节节高升 成为老牌强实力战队 队员也非常努力 )

陆歆琳Like us and artists, they are growing up in gossip, getting stronger and invincible little by little(他们和我们和艺人一样 都是在流言蜚语中成长 一点一点变强 一点一点变得无坚不摧 )

陆歆琳thank you(谢谢)

陆歆琳放下话筒 深深的叹了一口气

各种角色主持人:It seems that our Lynn is deeply touched by these things. Maybe this is the feeling of the workers behind the scenes. Whether it is unknown or glamorous, it deserves to be respected(看来我们的Lynn对这些深有感触 也许这就是幕后工作者的感受 不管是默默无闻 还是光鲜亮丽被人所喜欢 都值得被尊重 )

各种角色主持人:Thank you Lynn for accepting our interview(谢谢Lynn能够接受我们的采访)

陆歆琳It's my pleasure(是我的荣幸)

各种角色主持人:So that's all for today's interview. Thank you for watching(那么我们今天的采访就到这里感谢大家收看)




蔡徐坤是啊 我怕你胆子不够 采访完了出来一个腿软 直接坐在地板上 屁股会痛的

陆歆琳该想的不想 不该想的比谁都想的勤快







上一章 我的肩膀借你靠 蔡徐坤:所有浪漫给予你最新章节 下一章 舍不得