话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝
本书标签: 动漫同人  瑞金  雷安     



君安(云歌)Well, how can I forget that you're good at tearing down homes(遭了,我怎么忘了,你在拆家的方面倒是很擅长)

嘉德罗斯Door things do not need you to worry, junan, I will compensate(门的事情不用你去担心,君安,我会赔)

君安(云歌)Poof ... You kicked the door. you can hear what you're doing to me now. are you sure?(噗…你把门给踹了,你现在对我做什么大家都能听得到,你确定?)

嘉德罗斯It doesn't matter, junan, as long as you try not to make a sound(没有关系,君安,只要你尽量不发出声音来就可以了)

君安(云歌)But I'm not happy, you hear me? I'm not happy anymore(可是我不开心,你听到了吗?我不开心了)

Junan's acting is really getting better and better, tears come(君安的演技真的是越来越好了,眼泪说来就来)

But this time the tears failed(不过这次眼泪却失效了)

金(性转)Junan, can you come over for a while?(君安,你可以过来一下吗?)

君安(云歌)Here we go(来了)

金(性转)Do you still have any inhibitors? Gray hasn't been home lately. I ...(你那里还有没有抑制剂了?最近格瑞有事不在家,我……)

君安(云歌)YES, I'll bring it to you(有的,我去拿给你)

金(性转)OH, I love you so much, thank you junan(哦,我太爱你了,谢谢你君安)

君安(云歌)GOD, here you are again, and I love you too(天啊,你又来了,我也爱你)


君安(云歌)Here you are. that should be enough(给你,这些应该够了)

金(性转)Junan you gave me all these, how do you do yourself?(君安你把这些都给了我,你自己要怎么办呢?)

君安(云歌)You don't have to worry about that. I have a way(这个你不用担心,我有办法)

格瑞Please take care of her these days, thank you(这些天麻烦你照顾好她了,谢谢)

君安(云歌)Don't trust me. I won't let her run around(放心交给我好了,不会让她乱跑的)

Unfinished to be continued(未完待续)

上一章 不能算是小剧场的小剧场 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝最新章节 下一章 ABO(二十五)