话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 明星语录and文案(伤感)
本书标签: 明星同人 



作者很多自以为是的关系 其实也就那样.

作者A lot of self-righteous relationships are just like that.

作者明白太多道理 反而失去了这个年龄该有的快乐.

作者If you know too much truth, you lose the happiness you should have at this age.

作者在一无所有的年纪 我连快乐都给不了自己.

作者At the age of nothing, I can't even give myself happiness.


作者You don't feel sad, you don't feel sad, you have to coax others, don't be sad, don't be sad, don't break down, you are full of love, but you still want to bring dawn to others. This is your love. If you are tired, if you are not happy, if you are not happy, then let go. If you are reluctant to let go, the most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up the stubbornness that you should not give up and insist on some loss that you should not insist on. It is doomed that some fate will never come to an end.

作者开始留长发了 开始换风格了 开始喜欢温柔了 开始往前走了 不管你有没有来过 我要做最好的自己了。

作者Began to grow long hair, began to change style, began to like aloof, began to move on, whether you have been here or not, I want to be the best of myself.

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