话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 安迷修,你看见了吗,这荒唐可笑的世界
本书标签: 动漫同人  雷安  凹凸世界     













I’ve been laying,默然躺卧,wide awake,清明自醒,I have something,千头万绪,I have to say,难掩衷情,I look at your face and,凝望着你脸庞,I’m ready to cave in,我准备好缴械,I know I’ve been waiting,为了此刻 我已等待太久,and driving the blade in,仿若利刃缓缓深入,There’s no easy way to explain,只字片语难以诉清,and make it all go away,任凭往事随风飘散,I am to blame,而我便是罪孽之源,I ain’t ever, I ain’t ever...我并非,I ain’t ever loved you if we're honest,honest,从未爱过你 倘若坦诚相言,I know this isn’t what we promised,promised,我深知昔日的盟誓不复存焉,Thought you could be the one I wanted,也曾坚信你便是我此生唯一,But you’re so far, far,但你那样遥不可及,You’re not like me,彼此搁浅在两个世界,You’re too good,你无比熠熠生辉,Still you want me,却唯独对我偏爱有加,I knew you would,我知道你本不必如此,I thought it was love ‘cause,我曾以为这就是爱,It hooked like a drug,只因它让人欲罢不能,But that’s not enough,但事实已足够明了,I’m calling my bluff,不过是我自欺欺人,I knew you would want me to stay,我知道你愿我驻足,No, I’m walking away,奈何我的心已远去,Don't you wait,你还要无望等待吗,I ain’t never, I ain’t never...我并非,I ain't ever loved you if we're honest,honest,从未爱过你 倘若坦诚相言,I know this isn’t what we promised,promised,我深知昔日盟誓不复存焉,Thought you could be the one I wanted,也曾坚信你是我此生唯一,But you’re so far, far,但你那样遥不可及,I ain’t never loved you if we’re honest,honest,我并非从未爱过你 倘若坦诚相言,I know this isn’t what we promised,promised,我深知昔日盟誓不复存焉,Thought you could be the one I wanted,也曾坚信你是我此生唯一,But you’re so far, far,奈何你我已渐行渐远,






Took the breath from my open mouth,你从我口中带走微息,Never known how it broke me down,而从不知这将如何击溃我的心,I went in circles somewhere else,我在他处踟蹰徘徊,Shook the best when you love was home,当你的爱成为我的归宿时我的灵魂为此战栗,Storing up on your summer glow,我将你的如盛夏昺光的爱尽数妥帖收藏,You went in search of someone else,你众里寻他千百度,And I hear your ship is comin’ in,我听见你的小舟临近,Your tears a sea for me to swim,你的泪水将我浸没,And I hear a storm is comin’ in,我听见风雪呼啸而来,My dear is it all we’ve ever been?我的亲爱的,是否我们曾拥有的已不复存在,Caught the air in your woven mouth,从你紧闭的嘴里捕捉空气,Leave it all I’ll be heaving how you went,抛下一切我将重蹈覆辙如你一般,In search of someone else,众里寻他千百度,Taught the hand that taut the bride,此时我握着你的手便是紧搂着我的新娘,Both our eyes lock to the tide,我们的双眸都被潮水紧锁,We went in circles somewhere else,我们在他处踟蹰徘徊,And I hear your ship is comin’ in,我听见你的小舟临近,Your tears a sea for me to swim,你的泪水将我浸没,And I hear a storm is comin’ in,我听见风雪呼啸而来,My dear is it all we’ve ever been?我的亲爱的,是否我们曾拥有的已不复存在,Anchor up to me, love,爱情之锚拴住了我,Anchor up to me, love,爱情之锚拴住了我,Anchor up to me, love,爱情之锚拴住了我,Oh, Anchor up to me,my love,my love,my love,爱情之锚拴住了我,


Didn't know that I felt like that,不知道这种感觉从何而来,If I told you would you love me back?倘若袒露真情 你可会回赠以爱,Do you think we could be like that?我们可也将上演世俗戏码,And I wish it didn't hurt this bad,我祈祷能避开猛烈的悲痛,Every time we say goodbye,每一次挥手别离,I get lost inside your eyes,都沉溺在你的目光里,Forever ever ever,千千万万余次,Forever ever ever,生生世世如此,I think about you all the time,无时无刻不思念你,And i just wanna make you mine,只期盼你能属于我,Forever ever ever,生生世世,Forever ever ever,永永远远,Why’s it hurt so good with you?你赐我的伤痛也尽是甜蜜,When we play we always lose,一败涂地却仍旧乐此不疲,‘Cause in my heart I always knew,只因为我的心指引道,That I can't escape from you,此生我都将受困于你,Every time we say goodbye,每一次决然别离,I get lost inside your eyes,我都沉溺在你的目光里,Forever ever ever,千千万万余次,Forever ever ever,生生世世如此,I think about you all the time,无时无刻不思念你,And i just wanna make you mine,只期盼你能属于我,Forever ever ever,生生世世,Forever ever ever,永永远远,I don’t wanna keep stalling,我不愿再踌躇不前,But you have me so confused,你却使我犹疑不决,If I’m gonna keep falling,如果陨落是命中注定,I’ll fall for you,就让我陨落着奔赴你,Every time we say goodbye,每一次决然别离,I get lost inside your eyes,我都沉溺在你的目光里,Forever ever ever,千千万万余次,Forever ever ever,生生世世如此,I think about you all the time,无时无刻不思念你,And i just wanna make you mine,只期盼你能属于我,Forever ever ever,生生世世,Forever ever ever,永永远远,Every time we say goodbye,每一次决然别离,I get lost inside your eyes,我都沉溺在你的目光里,Forever ever ever,千千万万余次,Forever ever ever,生生世世如此,I think about you all the time,无时无刻不思念你,And i just wanna make you mine,只期盼你能属于我,Forever ever ever,生生世世,Forever ever ever,永永远远,



上一章 the one(末世篇番外) 安迷修,你看见了吗,这荒唐可笑的世界最新章节 下一章 (6)十年(上)