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突然发现这一章重复了,而后面的文章又接着写了下去,大大有点懒,不想重新修改了,于是这一章就相当于一个概述说明吧Suddenly found that this chapter is repeated, and then the following article went on to write, big a little lazy, do not want to revise, so this chapter is equivalent to an overview of it


Greatly prepared in a more than twenty chapters (chapters is the one hundred and seventieth after more than 20) end was to make the world, and then write a few people follows Draco back to the story of the wizarding world, oh ha ha ha ha, can't wait to write several people greatly after back to the wizarding world, and ready to open a book, It's about the people who follow Draco back to the magical world


And also ready to abuse a child abuse our professor (although would love dearly. After all, the za is also a teacher pollination, but who also can't stop my imagination) hey hey, but also greatly black harry potter, black lion, black dumbledore, however, under the premise that is greatly to the completion of a book to say first, ahhh quick end, then we might see in another book

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