话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TNT:专属女主
本书标签: 明星同人  TNT时代少年团  马嘉祺     




Whether it's important or not, you're always important to me.


I don't know when your knight will come, but you will always be my princess.


It's a relationship where you stay together and you don't say a word or an embarrassment.


Slow and clumsy road, thank you for growing up with me.


You don't art I bought a toy, although I can not afford to buy but I can let your real name envy in the end.


Have a bright future, the future can be expected, find a lover, go to the whitehead, wish you also wish me.

七,请你一定要对号入座 我所有的美好都是为了形容你

Please be sure to take your seat. All my good things are to describe you


The best friendship, each busy, care about each other


In this world, I only allow you to be as lovely as I am.

十, 快乐时不必分心想起我,难过时请一定记得联系我

Don't be distracted to think of me when you are happy, please remember to contact me when you are sad


To stand side by side, to be better adults

十二,与你分享过的青春 不比初恋少半分

The youth you have shared with you is no less than half a point less than your first love

十三,想和你做彼此心事的靠山 想和你永远好奇贪玩

Want to do with you the backing of each other's minds and you always curious about fun


To ride the wind with you on the happy planet month by month


Like I'm holding you like pomegranate seeds

十六,只要你深懂我心 允许你不识抬举

As long as you know my heart allows you not to know how to lift

十七,不开心找朋友聊天 开心也找 这样快乐就是双倍的

Not happy to talk to friends, happy to find such a happy is double


How many confidants are there in the world, and how many friendships grow.


There is no long-winded friendship quotation, only when you meet, you can talk about everything and laugh.


Friends are the family of your choice


Cold to summer to autumn harvest winter collection, I hope we come to Japan long

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