话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 新志:相遇在那年
本书标签: 动漫同人  新志永恒  新志甜文   






misslinStudents, today there are two children in the class to join our collective, we have to get along well OH

misslinIntroduce yourselves, children

sherry(4岁)Hi, my name is Ai Haibara, and I’m four years old

carlson(4岁My name is Kudo Shinichi. I’m four years old


mikeHi, I’m Mike. Nice to meet you

sherry(4岁)Hello, Mike

carlson(4岁Nice to meet you, too

北川雪(4岁)(Why are they more popular than I am?)


北川雪(4岁)(As a member of the organization, they will never be as good as me! Huh!)


sherry(4岁)Shinichi, where are you going to go to school after you finish kindergarten?

#carlson(4岁Well, of course I’m still here, and I’ve been told? This is a study abroad can not return home

sherry(4岁)Right. So you’ll be in my class, right?

#carlson(4岁Sure, but it’s still a long way from first grade, and we just started kindergarten? Why do you ask?

sherry(4岁)Uh, I was just asking. All right, let’s keep playing?



北川雪(4岁)(Damn, damn, damn. Why are they so close? By the way, Shinichi Kudo? It sounds familiar. I remember, it’s Aunty Hachiko’s son!)

北川雪(4岁)(The guy who doesn’t want to be with me but is with that AI Haibara, huh! Ai Haibara, what a drama queen)

北川雪(4岁)(Wait for studying abroad to return to the country, see I don’t break up you! Kudo Shinichi, you can be with me. Ha!)

北川雪(4岁)(I am smart)


carlson(4岁sherry, why do I feel like someone’s staring at us?

#sherry(4岁)I think someone’s staring, too. Let’s just leave it at that

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