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我还是会跑遍教学楼 只为了制造一场巧合 偶遇尽管擦不了肩而过 尽管你从来不看我.

​I would still run all over the school building just to make a coincidence, even though I couldn't pass you by even though you never looked at me.


​我趴在桌子上看着他和她打闹 看着他慢慢喜欢上她。最遗憾的是自己喜欢的人喜欢上别人。

​I leaned over the table and watched him play with her and watched him grow fond of her. The most regrettable is that the one you like falls in love with others.


​永远忘不掉。在回答问题的时候 周围的人在小声给你传答案的那种感觉。

Never forget it. The feeling that people around you are whispering answers as you answer a question.​


有那么几个人你默默喜欢很久 最后却成为你整个学生时代的遗憾。​

There are a few people you love for a long time, but in the end, they become the regret of your whole school years.​


偷偷在草稿纸写你的名字的人是我 对着反光镜哈气写你名字的的人是我 为了和你偶遇不惜绕远路的人也是我 不知道的是你.

​Secretly in the draft paper to write your name is my breath in the mirror to write your name of the person is I in order to meet with you at the detour of the person is also I do not know is you.


​枯黄的梧桐落叶载着少年时代未落幕的心动 秋风阵阵吹过 带着酸涩而短暂的暗恋.

​The withered and yellow leaves of the parasol tree carrying the heart of the youth did not end the autumn wind bursts blowing with sour and short secret love.


​放学看着你 在操场上训练的时候是最美好的 夕阳撒了满地 你染了一身辉煌.

​Watching you training on the playground after school is the most beautiful sunset scattered all over the ground you dyed a brilliant.


​那晚晚自习的风很大 吹得我看清了前方的路也吹起了想要扑捉的梦想.

​That night the wind of self-study is very big blowing I see the road ahead also blowing up want to catch the dream.


​夕阳透过窗子映着所有人的面庞 夜晚的教室打着晚自习的灯光 这就是我们的青春.

​Sunset reflected through the window of all the faces of the night classroom under the light of self-study at night this is our youth.


​课间嘈杂 偶然瞥见窗外的人 遥遥地对上视线 这时阳光勾勒出他好看的侧脸轮廓 周身都散发出淡淡的金光 时间也像静止了 只有风还在柔柔地吹着 送入耳中的不是呼呼的风声 似乎带着他的心跳 与我的心脏相通









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