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Don't try to teach young people experience. It's better to say 10,000 sentences than to fall by himself. Tears teach him to be a man, regrets help him grow up, and pain is the best teacher. In fact, the detours in life are not short of one meter.



The darker it is, the more we should concentrate on finding the light.



When you reconcile with yourself, the right person will naturally appear. If you can't get along with yourself, there will be no right person in the world.



The day you like is the most beautiful day; What suits you is the best way to live.



How many people still love you when you are young and happy, only one person loves wrinkles on your old face.



Even if I tried my best to stay, what I should go will still go, and no one will stay for whom.



Some things are changing all the time, but some things have never changed, just insisting that no one else needs to know.



It takes courage to live a life you don't want, and it takes courage and ability to live a life you want.

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