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Some people say that if you don't know where to go, you should never go back to the past, because everyone has limited time. Instead of wasting too much youth in memory, it is better to pursue the sincerity and truth of life, which is more important than anything else.



Maturity means putting your dreams and personality in your heart, smoothing out the edges and corners outside, knowing how to smile at people you hate, avoiding unnecessary resistance, and using all useful forces to make your dreams come true as soon as possible.



Happiness is the fulfillment of every tiny wish. It's not that I can't meet a better one, but because I already have you, I don't want to meet a better one. It's not that I won't be tempted by others, but because I already have you, I feel no need to be tempted by others. It's not that I won't fall in love with other people, but that I know how to cherish you more. It's not easy to be together. Don't let go of those who have already chosen.

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