话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
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The scenery of life is colorful. Being a man should have a normal heart, superficial envy, boring comparison and clumsy imitation, which will only make him live in the shadow of others all day. We should recognize ourselves, find our own place, follow our own path and live our own life.



No matter what age you are, I think we should learn to be gentle with the people around us, at least don't add to others, because you may not know that language really has a magical power, which will make your loved ones love you and make them decide to leave you.





There are some things, I can't do my best, I have no choice but to go away; Some people, who can't wait, have no chance and have to leave; Some feelings, loved one unknown, fruitless, had to give up. If you can't stand it, you can only abandon it; If you can't hope for it, you can only give up; Can't stay, can only be terminated. Life is like this. It is not easy to choose, but difficult to give up. The bitterness of life lies in choosing, and the difficulty of life lies in giving up.

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