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本书标签: 短篇  人生文案馆 




The most painful thing in life is not that you don't get the one you love, but that the one you love doesn't get happiness all your life.



People who really love you have seen all kinds of messy, emotional and difficult things about you, but they still want you to stay in their lives.



The wall is so high that it only blocks people who don't come. If they want to come, they can't stop the hordes.



If you control your mood, your life will be peaceful everywhere. Mood, though not the whole life, can control the whole life.



There are a lot of malice in the world, but please believe that heaven has reincarnation, and we should keep kindness, loveliness and fun.



It's better to do it once than to think it a thousand times. Gorgeous falls are better than fearless wandering.



Life without thinking will be mediocre, and life without struggle will be poor.



Some things are only suitable for collection. Can't say, can't think, but can't forget. They can't become languages, they can't become languages, and once they become languages, they are no longer them.

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