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Meeting is always caught off guard, while parting is always planned for a long time. Some people will fade out of your life slowly. You should learn to accept it instead of miss it.



Most mistakes are due to not persisting, not working hard, not retaining, and then hypnotizing myself into saying that everything is fate.



Taking advantage of loneliness to make yourself better is not only responsible for yourself, but also a good explanation for the future person.



Don't always think about "there is still time in the future", one day you will find that some people and some things are really too late. I always feel that everything is "in no hurry", and finally it becomes "too late".



Simple things are complicated if you think deeply, and complicated things are simple if you look at them lightly. It is good to smile at some things. Don't take them too seriously. Some people just look at them and don't care.



Some scars are scratched on the hands and become a thing of the past after healing; Some scars are scratched in the heart, even if they are lightly scratched, they will remain in the heart.



Be a plain and mediocre person, don't be confused with your heart, and don't be trapped in feelings. Being upright and free. Don't talk about debt, and live up to it.



In real life, when the general trend has been fixed, we often enter the market slowly, but we leave early in the chaos of winning and losing.

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