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Every age has its own troubles. Don't try to evade, act young or pretend to be old. These troubles are gifts given to you by life. Only when you have experienced and faced them can you leave aftertaste and accumulate.



A person who never looks back may not be brave, but may be afraid of being seen through tears on his face. A person who smiles at all times may not be happy, but may be afraid of being seen through the bottom of his heart.



Who doesn't love life and don't want to live? No one in this world can live easily, learn from the best others and be the best of themselves!



The story is still going on, and it's a long way to go. It's hard to avoid sadness and frown. Just don't let go anyway. I just wish this life is clear, capable of doing what I want to do, and loving people I want to love.



In fact, every unique and beautiful thing is premised on extremely lonely diligence, which is either blood, sweat, or lots of wonderful youth!



Some people, some words, it doesn't matter if they say it or not; Because see, also see.



Maybe you have taken a lot of mistakes in your life, misjudged many people, suffered a lot of betrayals, and got down and out in a mess, but it doesn't matter. As long as you are alive, there is always hope, and the rest of your life is long, so why panic?

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