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Many things have passed, and many people have left. After a long time, they will feel affection, but after a long time, they may be indifferent. Don't open your wounds to others. There are many people in the world who sprinkle salt instead of doctors.



Some things will happen whether we like it or not, and some people will face it whether we like it or not. Everything we meet in life, all people, is not transferred by our will.



A seed can lie gently in the soil, or try to break out of it. Flowers grow out of hard soil and flourish, which is a beautiful existence.



This is the best age in your life. You are healthy, your relatives are safe, and the world is stable. Unfortunately, you don't realize it, because you are in a mess for a little thing.



I don't understand why we should care so much about other people's opinions. It's just a pastime for boring people. Why should we look at others? If you don't eat other people's meals, don't take other people's words too seriously.

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