话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
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Hard work is actually the best way to invest in yourself, and it's never too late.



When you are disappointed, the most important thing is to have respect for yourself. When you are proud of your success, the most important thing is to have respect for others.



The most interesting life in the world is not that you were born in the most interesting world, but that you found the most interesting way to live.



Don't believe that the overbearing president in romance novels loves mental retardation. When you enter the society, you will know that without IQ and EQ, others are too lazy to talk to you.



Face your inner fear, don't cover it up and hide it. What you worry about and worry about won't be solved because of your hiding. On the contrary, it will be magnified more and more, and in the end you will be hurt more deeply.



When you go to any stage of your life, you should love that time, finish your duties at that stage, go along with your life, do not immerse yourself in the past, and do not look forward to the future feverishly.

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