话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 时代少年团:唯一的例外
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Part如约而至,晚上十几个男生在狂欢的气氛中疯狂 Happy,将一整天的烦恼和疲倦抛在脑后,这里没有摄像机的拍摄,没有私生的蹲点,没有经纪人的提醒,在这里他们可以放肆的吃放肆的喝放肆的玩,没有任何人可以阻挡他们,在霓虹灯和劲爆的音乐环境下,整个Party变成了蹦迪现场,作为出道艺人的八个人,在这里跳起了没有专门编排的舞,在那里他们真的很开心,突然严琦娜手上的手机开始震动,看了一眼来电提示,于是就走出去接通了电话:Hello!Frank, what do you want from me?弗兰克:Baby,where are you?严琦娜:I will be in China. What's wrong? Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?弗兰克:Why Didn't you tell me when you knew China?I came to Korea to find you,I'm telling you, he always gets jealous for no reason.I told him it was just my friend.He insisted that my friend had a crush on me.Told me to stay away from my friends.Do you think it is very annoying?And, you know, he deleted all of my friend's contacts。弗兰克越说越气,这边的严琦娜听的有点想笑,但还是忍住了笑意:Frank, don't you think he cares about you?He is just afraid that you will have an accident, but also afraid of losing you, you change your point of view to think, he did all this for you, for him,So there is no need for you to be angry. If you are still uncomfortable, come to China to find me! I'll book you a flight.弗兰克:But I want to see you tomorrow!严琦娜想了想:All right, but I have a recorded sports meeting tomorrow, and I may not be able to take care of you!弗兰克:Baby, did you make your debut?严琦娜:Yeah. Shouldn't you give me your blessing?弗兰克:Congratulations, baby, you finally realized your dream, it doesn't matter, I can take care of myself tomorrow, and I want to come to your sports meeting tomorrow?严琦娜:may。弗兰克:Great, baby. Love you. See you tomorrow.严琦娜:Okay, see you tomorrow at 8:00. Bye.


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