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王嘉尔Yeh,Yeh,Aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,You got me feeling like a,你让我,Feeling like a Papillon,如破茧之蝶,Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,Find it,你会发现,I'll shine like a diamond,我闪耀如钻,Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,You got me feeling like a,你让我,Feeling like a Papillon,如蝴蝶经历破茧,Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,Find it,你会发现,I'll shine like a diamond,破茧的我如钻石般璀璨,Oh lord oh lord I truly feel blessed,让我真心感恩如此被上天眷顾,Been trapped inside so long,我被困于这躯壳已久,But now I feel blessed I'll break rules like Rick Ross'd be saying,却仍觉得被庇佑 我将像Rick Ross(美国歌手)一样打破窠臼,Spit fire like flame tools them burn it all,将所有金钱和名誉,Money and fame,点燃烧透,Don't define me,不要什么标签都往我身上扣,Ain't nobody give a xxxx 'bout a rule that's what I do,谁**在乎?我会打破世俗捆绑,The system is the problem,制度即桎梏,It made a new me,在打破枷锁的路上迎接新的自我,Kingdom of freedom,在自由的王国里,Now I'm run by me,我正追随着真实的自己飞奔,All they care about is profit,他们只在乎利益,Nah they don't see me,却不肯正眼看我,Hustling with my crew all day faithfully,我和兄弟们整日满腔热血奔波劳碌,Don't try pull me over for that penalty don't try to kill my vibe,休想让我止步于这些挫折 休想再刻意扼杀我的感受,Follow me,跟上我的节奏,Team Wang do it I'mma stay up on my grind,Team Wang 不认输 我会咬着牙坚持下去,I'm living feeling like a classic Papillon,活成蝴蝶破茧重生的典范,Team Wang do it I'mma stay up on my grind,Team Wang 不认输 我会咬着牙坚持下去,I'm living feeling like a classic Papillon,活成蝴蝶破茧重生的典范,Yeh,Yeh,Aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,You got me feeling like a,你让我,Feeling like a Papillon,如破茧之蝶,Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,Find it,你会发现,I'll shine like a diamond,我闪耀如钻,Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,You got me feeling like a,你让我,Feeling like a Papillon,如蝴蝶经历破茧,Aite aite aite aite aite aite aite,没关系,





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