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There will be painful things, but there will be as many happy and joyful things as mountains. This is life. Please live freely, openly and heartily.


We should all firmly believe that maybe we will all have a difficult time, but fortunately, we will always have a hard time!


Some people will not want to think about happy things, and some people will want to think about unhappy things. It means that some people are unhappy, but they can be happy because they are unhappy.


The kite will go with the wind, and people will follow, watch and watch the kite. Therefore, when flying kites, kites and people are not free.


In fact, the really precious things are so common, just like between two people, as long as they stay here with each other, even if it is the silence caused by two people, it is the most precious.


With the gradual growth of age, we will not slowly like flowers, like romantic words, like affectionate hugs, like all the fine rituals.



Spring is very good, there are sunny days, there are white clouds, there is a gentle wind.

Even better, eating marshmallows like clouds, Tomatoes on sticks with honey, thinking of you like flowers.



In fact, life does not need so much planning, tedious planning will only become a constraint, take a look at it step by step, I prefer to take advantage of fun, enjoy and return unrestrained.

Because I always believe that I will be the rosy clouds before sunset and the bright stars in the night sky. There will always be a day of its own, sooner or later.



The wind will talk about the lies that have moved the hills, and you will always lie, but you don't care. The wind blows through the hills, the forest and the sea will sway, and the lies you finish will make people moved and heartache.

So the wind dispersed the clouds, not the wind, but the clouds in heartache.


Someone wants a leaf, but finds a flower. What is lucky, in order to get a drop of water, and met a river, this is called luck.

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