话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > 孙悟空五兄弟
本书标签: 二次元 











You must know the story of Sun Wukong. Who knows who knows when he makes havoc in the heavenly palace? But why would such a person, he did not hear the story of Sun Wukong, when he heard this story, feel very interesting, brain hole wide open, fantasy Sun Wukong has a brother, oh five brothers, are the sun out, Sun Wukong, sun Shan Sun Temple empty empty Sun Wukong, Therefore. And he thought they had lots of interesting things together, and he just wrote these things into a novel called Sun Wukong's five brothers。

No, I said! Your imagination is too rich. Have you ever read Wu Chengen's journey to the west? You can't modify other people's masterpieces. It's not good. I'll tell you, it's really bad, it's disgusting, you know?

The most, the most, the most, and most importantly, the man has the audacity to write it down. Anyway, he's shameless, but I still hold him. because. Want to know why? Because that person is me, ha ha ha ha

And I'm just a pupil, don't scold me, OK?

Tell you one thing, which is spent my capital, but this gives you spoilers about it, very rare, so say, you want to thank me, I can tell you, the final result is in addition to Sun Sikong, the five of them, the other four are miserable. And so it's been a long time

I really only spoilers so tall, would you like to have fun to look at this book, this book if you want to see the details of it, and went to see the story of Sun Yihong, his empty story, the story of sun four hole. The story of Sun Wukong, mainly to write the story of Sun Wukong is a, this is humorous version, we still have to support the original ah, the original journey to the west, that is, the ancient novels written by Wu Chengen Eee in the journey to the West.

And am I a little nervous?


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