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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



周墨枫他们现在不知道情况如何,要是胡乱作为的话要闯大祸They don't know how the situation is now, and they will make a big disaster if they act indiscriminately

黑鬼(大人,我们现在怎么办啊?)(My Lord, what shall we do now? )

尸王(我一个,你一个,炎黄一队4个)(I have one, you have one, and Yanhuang No.1 has four)

尸王(5个a阶巅峰能和2个s级的bt抗衡吗)(Can 5 A-level peaks compete with 2 S-level bt)

黑鬼(能不能抗衡,都要上!没时间了,他们已经来了)(Can you compete, you have to go! There is no time, they have already arrived)

尸王(极速丧尸!)(speed zombie! )

丧尸(大人怎么了)(What's wrong with adults)

尸王(去请周墨枫那个人类!只有他有办法了)(to please Zhou mo maple that human! Only he has a way)


尸.炎黄一队(希望能来得及)(I hope I can make it in time)

尸王(走吧,先去会会他们咯)(Let's go and meet them first)

周墨枫(有点意思,请我去?嗯……可以不过我有一个条件)(Interesting, please go? Um ... Yes, but I have one condition)

丧尸(事情完了之后你随便提)(You can just mention it when it's over)

周墨枫(好,贝贝叫上人,干活了!)(OK, Beibei calls Master Cheng, get to work! )

贝贝(全部就位,随时出发)(All in position, ready to go)

周墨枫(那还等个屁走啊)(Then wait for a fart to go.)

机甲首领(这次没人来帮你们了吧)No one will help you this time, will they?

尸王(嘿嘿,你回老家的车马上就要开了)(Hey hey, your car will leave soon when you go back to your hometown)

机甲首领(都给我上!)(give me up! )

机甲军团冲啊Go ahead.

尸王(星辰诀!破!)(stars tactic! Broken! )

黑鬼(太古刀!神名斩!)(Taikoo Dao! God's name is cut! )

尸王(玄龟甲方!杀!)(Xuan Gui Party A! Kill! )

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