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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



贝贝(老大,你说的不错,他们碰到时空乱流了,不过那些人的实力都不低……2个比我都高……老大你快过来吧)(eldest brother, you are right, they encounter turbulence in time and space, but the strength of those people is not low ... two are higher than me ... eldest brother, come quickly.)

周墨枫(灵,辰,复,过来,跟我走一趟)(Ling, Chen, Fu, come here, come with me)

(怎么了?)(What's the matter? )


(周墨枫很快就到了z国边界)(Zhou Mofeng soon arrived at the Z border)

周墨枫(你们能快出能是什么等级吗?)(Can you get out quickly? What level is it? )

……看不出来cannot discern

(好家伙,肯定比a阶高)(Boy, definitely higher than A)

(s阶初期……s阶中期,其他都是b阶)(early s-order … middle s-order, others are all b-order)

周墨枫(s阶?md看来不帮丧尸我们也要完蛋)(s order? Md doesn't seem to help zombies, we will die)

周墨枫(你们回去叫我们自己人来,其他人他们打不过的,自己人还能打一打)(You go back and call our own people, they can't beat others, and some of our own people can play a dozen)


贝贝(老大,你来了,怎么样?要不要帮他们)(eldest brother, you have come, how are you? Do you want to help them)

周墨枫(当然要帮,不过嘛先让他们死一死,毕竟我们还是要打的嘛)(Of course I want to help, but let them die first, after all, we still have to take a taxi.)

机甲军团!杀!! Kill!

尸王(这tm是什么东西,黑鬼你还能不能打了?)(What is this tm, nigger, can you still fight? )

黑鬼(还行……不用管我)(Not bad ... don't worry about me)

机甲首领(哈哈,不用挣扎了,你打的过我们吗?)(Ha ha, don't struggle, have you ever beaten us? )

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