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贝贝(打完收工回家睡觉)(Go home to sleep after work)

军队(我去……这真的是牛批,这多少秒啊,一大波尸潮就化成灰了?)(I go to ... This is really a cow batch. How many seconds did it take? A big wave of corpses turned to ashes? )

异界人(灰都没了……)(The ash is gone ...)

贝贝异界人,你们老大呢)Alien, where's your boss)

异界人(老大没事去新基地了,反正这里安全的要死,老大都没事干)(The boss has nothing to do to go to the new base. Anyway, it is safe to die here, and the boss has nothing to do.)

贝贝(要不然把四大战神拉去水泥厂?)(or we'll pull the four ares to the cement plant? )

贝贝(算了,让他们随便耍吧)(Forget it, let them play at will)

(外国城市里真在面临尸王的打击)(Foreign cities are really facing the blow of the corpse king)

尸王(这就是西方猴子吗?太弱了,b阶中期都没有一个)(is this the western monkey? Too weak, there is no one in the middle of B order)

觉醒者(我们遭到了袭击!请求支援)(We were attacked! Request support)

军队(a区损失惨重,b区失去联系,c区不复存在了……我们输得很彻底)(Area A suffered heavy losses, Area B lost contact, and Area C ceased to exist ... We lost completely)

尸.炎黄一队(吼!)(roar! )

尸王(去吧,杀的尽兴!我们先走了,)(go, kill yourself! We walked first.)

黑鬼(老大我们赶这么远的路是要去哪里啊)(Boss, where are we going after such a long journey?)

尸王放心吧去了就知道,不会有坏处的Don't worry. You'll know when you go. There won't be any harm

十二生肖(首领,外国军队全军覆没,现在好几个国家都被攻破了,我们应该怎么办?)(chief, foreign troops were completely annihilated, and now several countries have been breached. What should we do? )

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