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觉醒者行了,先通知2队把,听说H市中心医院被一会人占领了?真是末日之后人的胆子都被大了,连军事地盘都敢攻击Come on, let's inform Team 2 first. I heard that H downtown hospital was occupied by some people. After the end of the day, people were so daring that they even dared to attack military sites

觉醒者(联系2队去h市医院十二生肖也去)(Contact Team 2 to go to H City Hospital and also go to the Zodiac)

周墨枫(害,这丧尸越来越多了,看来是不是干脆吧所以基地围起来算了)(Harm, there are more and more zombies, so it seems that it's better to surround the base.)

周墨枫(雷劈!)(Lightning strike! )

(周墨枫没多久就到了军事基地,这里还是和以前差不多)(Zhou Mofeng soon arrived at the military base, which is still the same as before)

普通人(老大,你来了,)(eldest brother, you have come.)

周墨枫(嗯,最近基地怎么样啊)(Well, how's the base recently?)

普通人(有点不太好,觉醒者都没事,但是我们普通人得了一种流感,不是特别严重,但是好多人都染是了,我们已经将其隔离了)(It's not very good, the awakened ones are fine, but we ordinary people have a kind of flu, which is not particularly serious, but many people are infected, and we have isolated it.)

周墨枫(……怎么不早点说,快点带我去)(..... why didn't you say it earlier, and take me there quickly)

周墨枫来到隔离区,里面大人小孩都有Zhou Mofeng came to the quarantine area, where there were adults and children

周墨枫(都过来了,给你们治病)(All come over, treat you)

周墨枫(呼,燃血决!圣光庇护!)(shout, burn blood! Holy light shelter! )

(治疗时间一点点过去,周墨枫燃血速度也越来越慢)(The treatment time has passed a little, and Zhou Mofeng's blood burning speed is getting slower and slower)

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