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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



虫族(好,马上处理干净)(OK, clean it up immediately)

(对于虫族来说,食用虫能被主人吃掉都是一种幸运)(For the Zerg, it is a kind of luck that food insects can be eaten by their owners.)

周墨枫(好,那我先去拿肉了,请你们多等一下了)(OK, I'll get the meat first, please wait a little longer)

周墨枫(系统,等下要麻烦你帮我拿肉了)(System, please help me with the meat later)


周墨枫(你想一坨20斤的肉就一个觉醒者能拿的起的吗?)Do you think a lump of 20 pounds of meat can be picked up by an awakened person? )

系统(现在还可不能,到了b级初期就可以啊)(It can't be done now, it can be done at the beginning of Class B)

周墨枫(看他们那群老东西但是c级后期撑死了)(Look at their group of old things, but they are dead in the late stage of C)

(等到周末风把一切安排好之后再回到基地。)You wait until the wind at the end of the week to arrange everything before returning to the base. )

周墨枫(怎么回事……怎么被怪物攻击了……)(What happened ... How was it attacked by a monster ...)

周墨枫(看来伤的不轻呀,封锁都被破开了。)(It seems that the injury is not light. The blockade has been broken. )

军队(救命啊,怪物……怪物,他们根本不怕子弹)Help, monsters ... monsters, they are not afraid of bullets at all

周墨枫(肯定啊,剩下的那些怪物基本上都是高级怪了,怎么可能子弹破的了防)(Sure, the rest of the monsters are basically high-level monsters, how can the bullets be broken?)

尸.炎黄一队(你来了?我们刚刚遭到了袭击,不过还有几只漏网之鱼)(have you come? We have just been attacked, but there are still a few fish that have escaped the net

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