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系统(可以说你现在所有的钱都可以砸在军营身上)(可以说你现在所有的钱都可以砸在军营身上)(It can be said that all your money can be spent on military camps now)


系统(等级越高,建造的士兵就越厉害,升级军营可以解释更多的兵种等等……最垃圾是F然后以此类推,可以升级到ssr)(The higher the level, the more powerful the soldiers built, upgrading the barracks can explain more arms, etc... The most garbage is F and then so on, you can upgrade to SSR)

周墨枫(金币肯定不少吧?)There must be a lot of gold coins? )

周墨枫(我感觉现在的丧尸快到d了,不过到d级之后就没有那么快了,可是现在觉醒者还没有开始修炼呢,最强的都是f)(I feel that the zombies are coming to d now, but they are not so fast after the d level, but now the awakening has not yet begun to practice, the strongest is f)

系统(你现在的金币可以升级到d了,然后可以解锁人类,虫族,还有地精,都是数量多但是等级不高的)(Your current gold coins can be upgraded to d, and then you can unlock humans, zergs, and goblins, all of which are large in number but not high in level)

周墨枫(建造兵种不要钱?)(The construction of the arms does not cost money? )

系统(系统自动生成,死了再补要钱不过不多)(The system is automatically generated, and it is not much to make up for it when it is dead)

周墨枫(行吧……升级吧,再来的钱建造一个金库吧,这样子用的话完全不够)(OK... Upgrade it, and then build a vault with the money, which is not enough at all)

系统(行,我可不是坑人系统)(OK, I am not a pit system)

周墨枫(……以前坑多了?现在良心发现?)(... There used to be more pits? Now you have a conscience? )

系统(放nm狗屁)(NM bullshit)

系统(鬼吧)Ghost bar

本章完End of this chapter

上一章 20 墨枫带你末世求生最新章节 下一章 22