话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 福艾翻译——天堂之路
本书标签: 影视同人  神探夏洛克  翻译 



Waves of pleasure rolled through Sherlock with each steady movement of his hi。ps. He felt himself in a haze not unlike that of a massive d.rug rush. As soon as the association entered his brain, Sherlock felt a slight wave of nausea and discomfort. It was something he'd realized the first time they'd had s.e。x, and he'd left that far from resolved in his own mind. The oxytocin and adrenaline. rush already had a very familiar place in Sherlock's catalogue of physical and psychologicale.xperiences, one that went back far longer in his life than sex. Fortunately, Irene provided precisely the right distraction when she leaned down and nipped at his ear, breathing out between thrusts, "Oh. Yes. Sher-. Sherlock. A.hh!

His name on her lips sent a shiver up his spine and grounded him in the reality of this being a shared, intimate experience rather than a lonely, selfish pursuit, something he merely shot into his veins for instant gratification. Sherlock trailed hard kisses down Irene's throat, as far as her dress would allow, savouring the salty taste of her sweat and the faint stinging flavour of her perfume, reminding himself keenly of her presence in this act, never stopping the motion of his hips. He

rocked her hard into the wall, perhaps a bit too hard, but she certainly wasn't complaining.










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