话本小说网 > 玄幻奇幻小说 > 四个男人的奇遇
本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  scp恋爱 



作者我都劝过你们不要追啦 !

刘乐不行,我一定要追 !


作者Why are you so stubborn?

刘乐This is my only hope

scp049What are you arguing about?

作者Liu Le, he wants to go after him Xiaoqiao

scp049What's wrong with people chasing people?

作者The point is, he doesn't know how to chase people。

scp049Let me teach him!

作者can you do that?

scp049Who am I? 049!

作者Please, teacher 049.

scp049Look at me!

作者Come on, Xiao Qiao will go abroad tomorrow

scp049What ?tomorrow?

作者That's right. What else do you want?

scp049Tomorrow is tomorrow

scp049I'm not a vegetarian

作者With the font, I'll take care of you!

作者Good luck

scp049thank you

scp049Wow, how can we finish training in one day?

刘乐049 is troubling you, I'm really sorry!

scp049It's OK. I can make the time。

刘乐That's fine

scp049But I need your cooperation。

刘乐Yes, sir!

作者Want to know how the 049 practice Liu Le? Pay attention to the next issue. Remember to praise and pay attention!

作者That's all for today. Bye!

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