话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TNT:弟弟别乱撩
本书标签: 明星同人  迪丽热巴  吴宣仪     



Xiao Zhan let Wang Yibo humiliate, endless humiliation. If it is ordinary, he owes him, he is guilty, he deserves it, he is willing! But now.. Xiao Zhan looked at his friends around him, and finally disobeyed him for the first time, "Wang Yibo, your friend is.." Before he had finished speaking, he raised his hand and pulled him over, pushed him in front of his friends, and said, "Whatever you want, this is a bitch.." WPS note but he knows he's not a bitch! Xiao Zhan broke away from Wang Yibo and faced him with his self-esteem for the first time. Xiao Zhan said, "Wang Yibo, I owe you a life and a confession, but I don't owe you these friends." Xiao Zhan decided that if he could not live to atone for his sins, then Xiao Zhan was willing to die. At this moment, Xiao Zhan do not know what Wang Yibo is thinking, at least, his friends see the situation is not good, have left, blink of an eye, the whole home, only Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. After this night, he really became Wang Yibo's plaything. Out of or at the sight of the light,He would always press Xiao Zhan under his body at any time and anywhere, or humiliate him, or ask Xiao Zhan without saying a word. Under such a long-term and extreme destruction, Xiao Zhan fell ill. I have a bad fever. But Wang Yibo came in only to see Xiao Zhan one eye, then unfeeling and go. Wang Yibo says: "Xiao Zhan you died just right, your this life, this should be night eyeball.". Wang Yibo went on to say: Xiao Zhan, do you know? I wait for this day, has been waiting for a long time, why don't you die early Wang Yibo also said, Xiao Zhan you want to die early, he can also early relief. Yes, he can be free, but Xiao Zhan? Watching Wang Yibo's back mercilessly leave, Xiao Zhan reached out, want to seize, in the end, but only collapsed. Wang Yibo, I really hate him so much. X At this moment, Xiao Zhan finally despaired. For Wang Yibo, noi matter how Xiao Zhan grovels to make up for it.的还王一博的债,还晚睛的命……直到他再也无力偿还这一切而倒下,他依然还有一个念头,那就是,王一博去了哪里?




他说, "Wang Yibo, what kind of torture do you want Xiao Zhan to become to be willing to give up? He already had your child! You are this!"

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