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At the very least, it's okay not to love, it's okay not to feel, but you can't make a joke out of my sincere and brave feelings and ruin my faith in love.

不要着急 要爱对人 要恋爱 不是练爱

Don't rush to love to love is not to practice love


The clumsy kids behind decided to go alone, too


There are three reasons why people who tell stories behind your back aren't at your level. What you have. She's not trying to mimic your lifestyle.

你就一个 你很特别

You're the only one. You're special


I've been waiting for you out of your sight


No one can withstand my love anyway who sent roses romantic movies and who see the good


I grew up with you not to let you love others.


Time is really not prepared for the things in a blink of an eye is the end of a year


The side of the sea is not necessarily the side of the sea mountain is not necessarily the mountain but my heart must be you.


Sad to be sure to tell me that I will always be by your side is not I think I will be wronged to speak slowly I slowly listen.

长期享受单身 间歇羡慕情侣 没有喜欢想念的人 更没有怀念的人 只想快快乐乐过完每年

Long-term enjoy single interval envy couples no love miss people more people who just want to be happy every year

春来夏往 秋收冬藏 我们来日方长

Come in spring, come in summer, harvest in autumn and hide in winter


The awkwardness of meeting again is the love that has not yet dissipated

发自己的光就好 不要吹灭别人的灯

Make your own light and don't blow out other people's lamps

我从未奢望过任何人能够理解我 但我会好好生活

I never expected anyone to understand me but I'll live my life

难过的时候 就想想开心的事 要好好爱自己

Sad time to think of happy things to love themselves


Unintentional favoritism will be remembered for a long time

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