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我想听正式的告白 甜甜的恋爱 而不是稀里糊涂的因为新鲜感在一起而莫名其妙的分开 所以这次我要慢慢来。

I want to hear the formal confession sweet love instead of muddle-duddled because of the freshness of together and somehow separated So I'm going to take it slow this time.

长篇大论要发给值得的人所谓值得就是他会认真看完你的心里话 然后长篇大论的回复你。

Send a long message to a worthy person. A worthy person is someone who reads your mind carefully and then replies to you in a long way.

永远中意哪个 清楚明白直接了当的说喜欢我的人。

Always love who clearly and directly said like me.

你知道什么是意外嘛 就是我从没想过会遇见你但我遇见了 也从没想过会爱你 但我爱了。

You know what's an accident? I never thought I'd meet you, but I never thought I'd love you when I met you, but I do.

要谈一个未成年到成年的恋爱 只要最后是你什么都值得。

To talk about a minor to adult love as long as you end up worth anything.

比什么 不用比你就是在那里什么都不做我就会奔向你。

You just stand there and do nothing and I'll run to you.

你要做一个不动声色的大人了 不准情绪化 不准偷偷想念 不准回头看。

You need to be a quiet adult No getting emotional No thinking No looking back.

你站在桥上看风景 看风景的人在楼上看你。

You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery. The people who look at the scenery look at you from upstairs.

明智的放弃胜过盲目的执着 去吹吹风吧能清醒的话 感冒也没关系。

Wise to give up is better than blind persistence to blow the wind can wake up a cold is ok.

上一章 超有安全感的温柔文案 许星的文案馆最新章节 下一章 伸手要来的安全感毫无意义