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太阳一出来雾就散了 就像我们.

As soon as the sun comes out, the fog clears just like we do.

下次我们早点相遇吧, 我努力成为更优秀的人 ,你也别喜欢上别人好不好.

Next time we meet earlier, I try to become a better person, you also don't like others, ok

取消了顶置 ,却发现你排在了最后

Cancel the top, only to find that you're last in line


Afraid of eyes with love, so close your eyes


People just met the time with a gentle restraint


People just met the time with a gentle restraint


Pretending not to care will really miss a lot

被抛弃的小朋友, 会质疑所有人的爱

Abandoned children question the love of all


And sure enough he didn't let me down just once

后来啊,那个怕黑的小朋友 又被说她保护的人弄丢了,她从地上爬起来,拍拍身上的灰,一个人走进那条黑漆漆的路

Later ah, that afraid of the dark child was said that she was protecting the people lost, she got up from the ground, patted the ashes, a person into the dark road

人哪有好的 只是坏的程度不一样而已

People have no good but bad degree is not the same

我不停奔 只为追赶当年被寄予厚望的自己

I kept running to catch up with the person I was supposed to be


I have really seriously considered whether to miss you

若能避开猛烈的狂喜 自然不会有悲痛来袭

If we can avoid the violent ecstasy, there will be no sorrow


Weren't you alone when he wasn't here


The girl who doesn't think of anything is to be let down


No deliberate meeting really won't see you again


So it looks like there really won't be a sequel this time

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