话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > 作者的诗集
本书标签: 二次元 



作者(网抑云状态)The article is in English only

作者(网抑云状态)Narrator,read it


“You camouflage the disgusting dagger with your hypocritical bodies”

“On trap after another was bug in front of me “

“But I was a fool to fall into every trap”

“When I fall into the last trap”

“You tack of the dangger‘s camouflage”

“Take that disgusting, hypocritical blade”

“Pierced my chest”

“A knife... A knife... Another knife...”

“Cut me a thousand cuts”

"And then drove me into the abyss of loneliness..."

"Slowly falling..."

"But I was stupid enough to think they were going to save me..."

"Fantasizing about their re-acceptance of me..."

"But no one came”

"I can hear their hypocritical and disgusting laughter endlessly in my ears”

"I woke up from a stupid fantasy”

"Only their hypocritical" smiles "come to mind”

"I slowly closed my eyes in despair”

"I'm broken”

"My heart..."

"And with it..."

"All that's left is nothing”

"And disappointment”

"Who on earth can fill my void..."

作者(网抑云状态)OK, I'm done with the English version, and then I'll do the Russian and Japanese version, OK, I admit I'm working on the word count, but check it out, and help me think of a topic

作者(网抑云状态)The next chapter

上一章 作者对小学的那些学生的失望和愤怒 作者的诗集最新章节 下一章 第一章日文版