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冷七公子1.大家都是第一次做人。 Everyone is the first time to be human.

冷七公子2.同是寒窗苦读怎愿甘拜下风。 How can I be willing to bow down to the wind when I study hard.

冷七公子3.冬天从你这里夺去的,新春会交还给你。 What is taken from you in winter will be returned to you in the new year.

冷七公子4.如果没有躺赢的命那就站起来跑。 If you don't have the life to lie down, stand up and run.

冷七公子5.喜欢的东西很贵 喜欢的人很完美。 The things I like are expensive. People I like are perfect.

冷七公子6.趁我们头脑发热,我们要不顾一切。 We have to be desperate while our heads are hot.

冷七公子7.我可以接受失败,但我不能接受放弃。 I can accept failure, but I cannot accept giving up.

冷七公子8.我喜欢的人很优秀,我努力的理由是配得上他。 The person I like is very good, and the reason I work hard is to be worthy of him.

冷七公子9.他们都在假装颓废,你别相信。 They are all pretending to be decadent, don't believe it.

冷七公子10.现在的状况跟不上你的想法,所以你焦虑又恐慌。 The current situation cannot keep up with your thoughts, so you are anxious and panic.

冷七公子11.别在最好的年纪,辜负最好的自己。 Don't let down your best self at the best age.

冷七公子12.努力一点吧 为了能走更好的路 遇见更优秀的人。 Work hard, in order to walk a better path and meet better people.

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