话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > 首席杀手陆毅和卡尔的故事
本书标签: 游戏同人  先虐后甜  卡尔   

















I used to be the chief killer of indifference, because of your appearance, I am no longer indifferent to become kind.(我曾经是冷漠无情的首席杀手,因为你的出现,我不再冷漠变得善良。)

I am willing to sacrifice everything for you, even at the cost of my life, to protect your safety.(我愿意为你献出我的一切,哪怕付出生命的代价,也要保护你的安全。)

“Lu Yi, Don't you regret it?”(陆毅,你不后悔吗?)

Do not regret it is because you saved me, let me do back to the kind of self.(不后悔正是因为你救了我,才让我做回了曾经善良的自)

It is because of our encounter that we have the story behind us.(正是因为我们的相遇才有了后面的故事)

Sometimes helping a person may be something you can do in time out of kindness. But who can know the fate of the encounter is always unpredictable. An accidental encounter, from the beginning of strangers to the end into an inseparable lover, but this relationship can really continue? Perhaps the reality is cruel, if you do, you will accept fate? Although the reality is cruel, you have the right to change him. Even know that the final outcome may be sad, but will not hesitate to try to change, trying to restore the final tragic outcome.(有时候帮助一个人可能是你力所能及时出于善良救的。可是谁又能知道相遇缘分总是让人捉摸不透。一次偶然间的相遇,从刚开始的陌生人到最后变成了形影不离的爱人,可是这段感情真的能一直持续下去吗?或许现实是残酷的,如果换做你,你会认命吗?虽说现实是残酷的,但是你有权利去改变他。哪怕明知道最后可能是悲伤的结局但还是会义无反顾的去尝试改变,试图挽回最后悲惨的结局……)

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