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本书标签: 动漫同人  改编网球王子  超甜 



“Ah! bored!(啊!好无聊啊)”昭璃在与Alan下着棋,“miss! You just came back from the outside!(小姐!你刚从外面回来呢!)”“I'm not having fun at all, OK? I spent a lot of time just looking for the way(我根本没有好好玩好吧?光找路,我就花了很多时间)”昭璃说着。

“Then you let Alan go with you(那你让艾伦陪你去玩呗)”被cue到的Alan身体一颤,“Alan, I know you are the best(艾伦,我知道你最好了。)”昭璃卖着萌,要知道,艾伦对昭璃的卖萌没有招架力。经过昭璃的死缠烂打,艾伦终于同意。

“Come on, come on, take a picture of me(来来来,给我拍张照。)”艾伦无奈地看着胶卷已经快满了的相机。“Let's take a group photo to make them envy(我们来合照一张,回去让他们好生羡慕)”

“Handsome boy, can you take a picture of us?(帅哥,能不能给我们拍张照?)”昭璃找到一个男生。“of course(当然)”男生微笑着,“你,你好帅呀。”昭璃说着,“Thank you。”男生眼里有些惊艳和温柔。

“What's your name, handsome man?”昭璃问,“不二周助”“哦~你好,我是纪昭璃,来自法国哦,我可以叫你周助吗?”“当然可以”“Serena ,Let's go!”Alan说,“拜拜,周助”“拜拜!”“Alan, wait for me(艾伦,等等我呀)”不二看着昭璃蹦蹦跳跳的身影,嘴角的弧度更加大了,“昭璃,下次见。”眼神温柔的看着手里的照片,拿到嘴边吻了吻。心情愉快地迈着步伐

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