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浮生·若梦 奶奶


我爷爷奶奶有个小小的愿望 活到我长大成人他们还有一个大点的愿望 活到我结婚生子。My grandparents have a little wish to live until I grow up, and they have a bigger wish to live until I get married and have children.

女孩子长大了是没有家的 希望你永远听不懂这句话。When a girl grows up, she has no home. I hope you will never understand this sentence.

别给男朋友织围巾了他先不好看不会戴 给爸爸织他会很开心。Don't knit a scarf for your boyfriend. He won't wear it until he looks good. He will be very happy to knit it for his father.

有空来姥姥家玩吧 姥姥家也有网了。Come and play at grandma's house when you have time. Grandma's home also has a net.

奶奶切的西瓜 总是带着葱蒜姜的味道。Grandma always cuts watermelons with the flavor of onion, garlic and ginger.

以前害怕山上的坟 地里有鬼可是现在不怕了 因为最爱的人躺在那里。I used to be afraid of ghosts in the graves on the mountain, but now I'm not afraid because my favorite people are lying there.

昨天爸爸来我房间看我在看星星 他站了一会儿说 生活累吗 我敷衍了一句说还行 他转头看向星星说 你没有小时候那么活泼了。Yesterday, my father came to my room to see me looking at the stars. He stood for a while and said, "Is life tired?" I made a perfunctory remark, "It's OK." He turned to look at the stars and said, "You are not as lively as when you were a child.".

奶奶手帕里包着给你的糖。Grandma's handkerchief is wrapped in sugar for you.

那是信誓旦旦的写着梦想但绝不是买一套房 买一辆车。It's a promise of dreams, but it's not about buying a suite or a car.

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