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浮生·若梦 也许





Don't contact anyone when you are drunk, don't make any decisions late at night, and try to keep your hypocritical words in your heart.


Maybe one day, you will meet someone. He will make you forgive all the injustices the world has done to you.


Everyone says that my temperament is very slow, but I can actually be fast. For example, there is a dog chasing me behind. or......


You must think carefully. Once you leave me, you will never find me again. I may not remember you the day you find me.


Who is thinking about the person who appears in the dream.

6、我不看月亮也不说想你 ,这样月亮和你都蒙在鼓里。

I don't look at the moon nor say I miss you, so that the moon and you are both in the dark.


I fart quietly, looking forward to the gentle wind blowing it into your nose.

8、昨天很喜欢你 ,今天不喜欢了,明天看心情。

I liked you very much yesterday, but I don't like it today. It depends on my mood tomorrow.


In the relationship between two people, \"expectation\" is often a kind of subtle violence, because it requires others to obey our will.

10、准备好把这辈子所有的春天、 夏天、 秋天、 冬天, 都交给我了吗?

Are you ready to give me all the spring, summer, autumn, and winter in this life?

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