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浮生·若梦 六月



In June, the sun is right and the air is sweet. It's a good time to say goodbye to the past and embrace the future


Hello, I'm happy police. Please cooperate with me. Now I want to arrest all your unhappiness.


You must remember that God will arrange a happy ending for you. If you are not happy, it is not the final ending.


The road you used to walk through will one day be full of flowers.


I want to open a grocery store, sell the footsteps of cats, sell the brain holes that split ten times per second, sell the loneliness of artists in the middle ages, and sell what I think in my heart.


You don't have to be born brave and talented. As long as I can work hard and sincerely.

你一定要善良可爱,满心欢喜,并且认真对待自己,不久的将来,会出现爱你 保护你 不让你受一点委屈和伤害的那个人。

You must be kind and lovely, full of joy, and take yourself seriously. In the near future, there will be someone who loves you and protects you from a little injustice and injury.


Tonight's wind is very gentle, the rain is also very gentle, to the gentle person is infinite.


I hope we spend the first half of our lives on the road to make ourselves shining.

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