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浮生·若梦 为你


1、人生最大的遗憾就是 ,其实那道题我会做, 那个人我喜欢过

The biggest regret in life is that I can do that question. I like that person


Now like good cheap, friends a delete nothing?

3、故意避开的人 往往是很在意的人

People who deliberately avoid are often people who care a lot.


Tears, sometimes flow out of the happy; smile is a virtual pain.

5、永远不要因为新鲜感丢掉一个一直陪着你的人 .

Never throw away someone who has been with you because of novelty.


The day I lost you like a child lost a beloved toy.

7、岁月不会让我忘了你 只会让我习惯没有你.

Years will not let me forget you will only let me get used to without you.


Youth is a heavy rain, even if a cold, but also look forward to it again.


A person always has to go a long way, experienced countless sudden prosperity and desolation in life to mature.

10、提着酒瓶摇摇晃晃 笑着摔倒哭着推开所有人的手 我要怎么告诉你我过得很好。

Holding the bottle, shaking, laughing, falling, crying and pushing everyone's hands away, how can I tell you I'm doing well.


Some people may be wrong in the first place, so stop falling for someone, ok?

12、很喜欢一句话:人不要假装不在意 除非你是真的不在意 否则会有遗憾的.

Don't pretend that you don't care unless you really do, there will be regrets.


想与你分享目之所及的所有美好 。

I want to share with you all the good things I can see.

你在我心里的位置 连我自己都羡慕

Even I envy you for your place in my heart.


When you come from the mountains, rivers and forests, flowers bloom as soon as you startle Hong.

我见众生皆草木 唯有见你是青山

I see that all living beings are plants and trees, only that you are Castle Peak.

初始你名 久居我心总有人 山高路远 为你而来

In the beginning, your name has been in my heart for a long time. There are always people coming from afar for you.


Some of them were fascinated, and it was impossible to recover from the beginning.


I'd rather tuck you in than say good night.

如果能久别重逢,我希望你别来无恙。初始你名 久居我心

At first, your name lived in my heart for a long time

我愿先颠沛流离 晚点儿遇到温暖的你

I'd like to wander first and meet the warm you later.


You are my daily life scattered around the world, in twos and threes.


You are the paper short and affectionate in the rainy season, and you are also the one who never forgets it from the bottom of your heart.

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