话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 田柾国:败给喜欢……
本书标签: 明星同人  BTS  bts田柾国     






“nothing,how is jk?”


“Mr. JK has been working very hard and has not stopped studying. He has finished the course and graduated.”


“Has he accepted the fiancee I have for him?”


“Mr.JK was very polite to Miss somi.”


“Actually, he only treated her as a guest.”


(Even now, four years after Miss Jessica's death, Mr JK continues to visit her at the cemetery every quarter.)


“There was no doubt about his competence, and the attempt to get him to clean up the mess had almost come to an end, when his uncle's remark that Jessica's death had something to do with the division of Patrick's family assets had thrown him into disarray. Patrick family only out of JK such a spoony, although Jessica not fail, but will give him later life caused too much trouble.”


“Pick up some beautiful young women from the abyss, clean them up and send them to my room, and I'll pick someone to solve JK's problems myself.”




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