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那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了Those who used to say never to be separated are already scattered across the horizon.

我们终于还是没有翻过那座山 ,他们也没能听到我们的故事We finally haven't climbed the mountain, and they haven't heard our story.

曾经以为我们不会分开的,可惜那也只是我以为罢了I used to think that we would not be separated, but that was just what I thought.

最好的关系,有幸遇见,恰好合拍,正好需要The best relationship, fortunate to meet, just in time, just need.

失去了的东西永远不会再回来The lost things will never come back again.

枕头里藏满了发霉的梦,梦里注满了无法拥抱的人The pillow is full of moldy dreams, and the dreams are full of people who can’t embrace.

我要把温柔交付给能察觉我小情绪的男孩子I want to give tenderness to boys who can detect my little emotions.

大概每个人都会有一个 可望而不可及的人吧Probably everyone will have someone beyond reach.

如果万事开头难,那请结局一定要圆满If everything is difficult at the beginning, then please end to a satisfactory ending.

青春本来就是马不停蹄的错过和相遇Youth is a non-stop miss and encounter.

希望我们都在彼此看不见的地方熠熠生辉I hope we all shine in places where we can't see each other.


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