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没有你的世界都是假的The world without you is fake.

我这一生失败透顶,民国三年等不到一场雨,一生等不到一句我爱你I failed in my whole life. I couldn't wait for a rain in the third year of the Republic of China. I couldn't wait for a word I love you.

我会一直喜欢到你不需要我喜欢为止I'll love it until you don't need me to.

左手牵你,右手敬礼,不负祖国不负你Holding you with your left hand and saluting with your right hand, you are worthy of our motherland.

希望我们都能像对方一样勇敢I hope we can all be as brave as each other.

不是所有的喜欢,都要说出口Not all like, have to say.

年少时不能遇见太过惊艳的人,否则无论往后朝夕,再也不能够认真喜欢一个人了When you are young, you can't meet someone who is too amazing. Otherwise, you will never be able to like a person seriously any more.

美好他扛下一切风雨,先你一步成长,然后来宠你,他真的好喜欢你He shouldered all the wind and rain, first you grow up, and then to spoil you, he really like you.

上一章 爱你的人就会无条件的偏向你 瑾年文案馆最新章节 下一章 秋天的浪漫就在冬天给你