话本小说网 > 影视同人小说 > 相思不负,一生初见
本书标签: 影视同人  南客  秋山君     



作者(静儿)Look at the spring flowers and autumn moon, the time is in love(看春花秋月,时光里缱绻)

作者(静儿)I am Acacia One sentence Ears softly Reading(我相思一句,耳畔轻声念)

作者(静儿)Envy only mandarin ducks, not gods(只羡鸳鸯,不羡神仙)

作者(静儿)Enjoy with you, booming flowers and a full moon(与君共赏,花好月圆)

作者(静儿)Look at the summer rain and winter snow, time in love(看夏雨冬雪,时光里缱绻)

作者(静儿)You and I walk hand in hand in the courtyard ,Both were happy(你庭前漫步,执手两相欢)

作者(静儿)Peach Blossom Temple, Peach Blossom Fairy(桃花庵里,桃花仙)

作者(静儿)Perfect couple(金玉良缘PS:也可翻译成:天生一对)

作者(静儿)Peach blossom burning, competing with spring(桃花灼灼,与春争艳)

作者(静儿)Who use a inkstone ink, dizzy open missing(谁用一砚墨,晕开了思念)

作者(静儿)Brush Where it fell The clouds and the smoke rose(狼毫落处,腾起云烟)

作者(静儿)Poetic and picturesque Landscape(诗情画意,山水现)

作者(静儿)Emotional pulse, eye wave flow(含情脉脉,眼波流转)

作者(静儿)Would like to become a butterfly flying, dancing for you(愿化彩蝶飞,为君舞翩跹)

作者(静儿)Time flies like water, just like the first sight(似水流年,只如初见)

作者(静儿)Beautiful scenery Togethe Lingering(良辰美景,共缠绵PS:也可以翻译成:美丽的景色使人流连忘返)


上一章 番外十:心痛 相思不负,一生初见最新章节 下一章 执手两相欢(中英文歌词对照2)