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本书标签: 二次元  网易云热评  英文情话   



柜柜酱Because loneliness is a person's normal, so it is very valuable to accompany

因为孤独是人的常态 所以陪伴才显得格外珍贵

柜柜酱I want to go to the future that has your future

我想要去未来 那个有你的未来

柜柜酱The only thing that makes me run hard is the downpour and the lovely you

能让我努力奔跑的 除了倾盆大雨 还有可爱的你

柜柜酱The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right.


柜柜酱Care enough about something people will feel that it is a touch


柜柜酱If you are tired and need a person to accompany can not be the first person to think of is me

如果你累了 需要一个人陪 可不可以第一个想到的人是我

柜柜酱Where I dare to come near you always have someone to accompany you

我哪里还敢走近你 你的身边总是有人陪

柜柜酱For something,we can't understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young. ​​​


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