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本书标签: 二次元  网易云热评  英文情话   



柜柜酱t may be a hard journey, but try harder and you will get there ​​​.

路途或许很辛苦 但请再加把劲 一定会走过去的。

柜柜酱The most beautiful thing is not the sunset, but the time I spent with you under the sunset

最美的不是夕阳 而是夕阳下同你一起走过的时光

柜柜酱Sometimes a person must learn to bear all the unhappy and sad


柜柜酱will cherish every person who does not call my full name, because we are familiar

我会珍惜每一个不喊我全名的人, 因为我们不陌生

柜柜酱I'd rather run and get knocked down a million times,Don't be a man of your life. ​​​

宁愿跑起来被拌倒无数次 ,也不要规规矩矩走一辈子 ​​​​。

柜柜酱When I was a child, I can play freely. When I grow up, I have to bear it

小时候能随意撒欢 长大后要学会承担

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